“Love is Blind” is an intriguing and fast-paced love experiment hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey. It goes into detail about multiple people who want to experience love. However there’s a catch, they can’t see the other partner during the first few weeks of the experiment.
Throughout the experiment, these individuals will truly see if love is blind. Some couples can make it and go on vacation for the ultimate “love test,” while others fall through the cracks during the reveal process.
“Love is Blind” has multiple high-rated reviews claiming that it is consistent and eventful, leaving the watchers waiting for the next episode and even the next season. The show recently added the seventh season which is filmed in a different style, leaving out context and making the interactions that are broadcast more interesting.
Season seven of “Love Is Blind,” was filled with many different personality types that were thrown into the melting pot. Having these diverse characters created a much more realistic atmosphere, as well as showcasing how those personalities can work in a relationship or crumble.
In this season this was tested with characters like Ramses and Melissa, two people who had largely different personalities and that were thrown together through their interactions in the pods and with their “friends” backstage. This show is a must-watch and will be entertaining in each episode.